Wednesday, September 22, 2010

His Holiness Strikes Again

Last week His Holiness Benedict XVI visited Scotland and chose the occasion to praise Great Britain for standing "against a Nazi tyranny that wished to eradicate God".  His Holiness neglected to mention that he had been a Hitler Youth at that time.

And actually, His Holiness got it slightly wrong.  It was not God that the Nazis wished to eradicate but rather the Jews, and the Nazis were assisted in this matter by Pope Pius XI, under whom in July 1933 the infamous Reichskonkordat between the Roman Catholic Church and the Nazis was drawn up and the two parties agreed to cooperate with each other.   The church actively supported the election of Hitler in November 1933, and its cooperation with Hitler continued after 1939 under the next Pope, Pius XII, who had negotiated the Reichskonkordat while he was still Cardinal Pacelli.

The existence of the Reichskonkordat explains why virtually no Roman Catholic clergy were willing to criticize Hitler - their own Pope forbade them to do so.  Consequently, the only Christian opposition to Hitler came from protestant clerics like Martin Niemöller, and since they were not protected by the Reichskonkordat, they paid the price.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Belgian Atrocities

The actions of the Roman Catholic church in Belgium have been much in the news recently as more and more victims of sexual abuse by priests over the past half century have been speaking out against their abusers and describing instances of abuse that were even worse that those uncovered in this country. 

After all, the priests over here left the littlest kids alone while in Belgium they molested 'em down to the age of two.

Read About It

I find a bitter, bitter irony in that the church heirarchy, who spent decades covering up the molestations of little children, is now putting its energy and untold wealth into political campaigns against the marriage of same-sex adults - no matter whether the adults in question be Roman Catholics, protestant Christians, Jews, Moslems, or even atheists.

They just adored us when we were small children, but they hate us now.