Tuesday, August 31, 2010


OK, i did it.  My first demonstration.

Last Sunday i quickly lettered a sign reading "You Must Be So Proud", segwayed down to the Noe Valley Ministry, which is that Presbyterian church there on Sanchez between Elizabeth and 23rd, and stood holding the sign with a pleasant smile as the last of the congregation arrived before their 10:30 service.

For those who asked "For what?", I replied, "For convicting Reverend Jane Spahr."

Most did seem to be aware that a few days earlier the reverend had been convicted of heresy (or whatever their church court called it) for marrying several same-sex couples during the few months in 2008 when this was legal in California.  Here's the New York Times article.

Few seemed at all ashamed although one woman did feel the need to point out that this particular congregation was quite accepting of gays.

To my credit, i refrained from asking why in the world any gay person would have the slightest inclination to enter a church whose official policy toward gays was hatred, or for that matter, to worship the god supposedly represented by that church.

If there were a god, it would like me the way it made me.

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